Thursday, January 31, 2008


Just when it seems things around the house are calming down, the children find some new way to torture me. They’re very inventive that way. The latest source of controversy around this household is some Satanic computer game called World of Warcraft.

My younger son has been home sick for days and we just returned from the fourth doctor visit. He immediately logs onto WOW. Suddenly, my older son storms in the door and demands the computer.

I don’t understand this World of Warcraft—don’t want to—but it’s done nothing but cause constant battles. Even when friends come over, some sort of fighting ensues when WOW turns on.

Here’s an example of a typical argument:

Teen—slams through front door : “MOM, he’s on World of Warcraft. I just got home from school and it should be my turn.”

Boy coughs and plays.

Mom: “Ok, just let him play for a half hour then you can have a turn.”

Teen: “Oh my God, you are SO unfair, I’ve been at school all day while he has had a week vacation.”

Mom: “He’s been home sick.”

Teen: “Same thing. Anyway, he’s FAKING… now get him off.”

Boy coughing.

Teen: "See, you mention him being sick and he just erupts into coughing. Do you think that's a COINCIDENCE? You're so dumb."

Mom: “ Relax. He’ll get off in a half hour..”

Teen: “I want this fully stipulated and documented because in half an hour he’ll be whining and fake coughing and you’ll be all like just let him play for God’s sake, he’s sick. You don’t know how manipulative he is……”

No response. Boy coughing.

Teen: “You don’t understand, he’s doing an instance and that takes like two hours.”

Mom: “I don’t care or understand. In a half hour he’ll get off.”

Teen: “HE’S DOING A FREAKING INSTANCE.” (And this is supposed to mean something to me?)

Mom: “Just go do something and come back in half hour.”

Teen: “There’s NO justice around here. NO democracy. You’re nothing but a facist dictator.”

Mom: “Yeah, so?”

Boy: “Will you make him shut up. I can't concentrate with all that noise.”

Teen: “See, oh my God, he is such an a-hole and you just let him. I hate you.”

Teen rushes in to storm the computer: “OH MY GOD, he smirked at me!!!!!! Mommmmmmm. He's smirking again.”

Mom puts on Ipod and cranks the volume.


L.A. Saxton said...

Hi-larious! "Teen" is a dream. Remember when you asked him how second grade was going for him and he said, "not well, because it'd only been a week and he'd already been twice maligned!" You can't make this stuff up.
Less you! More teen! Why have you been hiding this jewel behind your moaning? Less you! More teen. I love him! And now you've given us a fantastic peek at their comical sibling relationship. :-)

Amy336 said...

Hey Lise:

He's such a dream, I'll be dropping him off at your house for the weekend!!! See how freaking funny he is. It is hilarious though, when you're not actually in the moment and just wanting to kill yourself.

Thanks grrrrl. Next I'll write about the infamous fishing expedition!! Questions!!!!

Anonymous said...

amy, I can just picture it! I love the way you write. See you tomorrow at the old lady exercise class. K

Anonymous said...

I just logged on to your Blog & I was awestruck at what a fabulous writer you are. You have a gift.

Anonymous said...

Man oh man I wish I were a fly on the wall that day! If I were in your shoes I'd plug in my tunes and just zone out too! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your work!!!

Way to go EMO Mom!!

Anonymous said...

I feel for you Amy! Those crazy boys! I'll be prepared when I hear about that game! I was just talked into renting xbox 360 for the weekend. AGH! Great stories!

Paris said...

I love when kids throw out terms like we're supposed to understand what that means.

You're writing is fine, Amy. But maybe you should take a break long enough to smack your boys' around, let 'em know who's really in charge.

Old school, but what the hell?

Anonymous said...

You come straighten them out for me, Duane!!

Anonymous said...

how about doing it yourself

Amy336 said...

Obviously the anonymous person who suggested I straighten out the kids myself, doesn't spent a lot of time with his/her own children because he/she would realize that despite the best efforts of parenthood, fights break out, disagreements occur, children don't always follow the path you map for them. I can only assume this came from a largely absentee parent who thinks parenting is far easier than it is. However, please feel free to leave any suggestions and they will be duly considered. Possibly implemented. Then things will inevitably fall apart and need to be reexamined.

But thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

"I can only assume this came from a largely absentee parent who thinks parenting is far easier than it is."

Oh that's BS - put some effort in, it's not exactly as difficult as you claim it to be - set up some rules, boundries, and most importantly... COMMUNICATE!

Amy336 said...

Wow! Who would have thought of that? Rules, boundaries and communication? All I can say is more power to you if you can set up rules and boundaries and communicate and have teenagers who fall in line. But don't be so judgmental because even if children seem like they are behaving, you never know what is really going on. I have a friend with children who seem to be the perfect kids and are considered such. Yet one of the boys has stolen from my house on several occasions. His parents don't know this. So I think the fighting and arguing I describe in my blog post is not abnormal behavior and, while annoying, is largely harmless. Other children who are ruled with an iron fist are often acting like perfect little children but don't be so sure they're not acting out elsewhere because they are afraid of displeasing parents with unrealistic expectations. I am cognizant of this with my own children as well.